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Guide to EYLF Outcome 1

Writer's picture: Jack RitchieJack Ritchie

The Early Years Learning Framework is made up of 8 EYLF Principles, 7 EYLF Practices, and 5 EYLF Learning Outcomes.

The EYLF Learning Outcomes are designed to capture the learning and development of all children from birth up until 5 years of age. They are:

  • EYLF Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity

  • EYLF Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

  • EYLF Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

  • EYLF Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners

  • EYLF Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators

EYLF Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity

What is EYLF Outcome 1?

EYLF Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity is the cornerstone of learning, development and wellbeing - and of belonging, being and becoming. When children learn about themselves, they begin to construct their own identity - including their relationships, and the actions and responses of others.

Identity is shaped by experiences, meaning identities can change as they move from one setting to another. In the context of belonging, positive experiences where children can exercise agency result in a development of understanding of themselves as significant, respected and accepted. This, in turn, enables children to tackle new things, express themselves, work through differences, and take calculated risks.

Educators should assist children in exploring their cultural, social, gender and linguistic identities, being culturally responsive.

Children develop their identity through relationships and interactions with others. In particular, interactions with educators, families and children help them to develop a positive sense of self-worth. As children develop their sense of identity, they explore different aspects of it through play and relationships. The ability to explore is enabled when children feel safe, secure and supported.

In the context of being, children build their confidence and sense of identity when given choice, time and opportunity to exercise agency, autonomy, resilience and persistence. Educators should focus on children in the moment, and allow them to experience the joys of childhood through their right to be a child. Being allows children to develop an awareness of their social, linguistic and cultural heritage - for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, awareness of their kinship connections and connections to country are essential for developing identity.

Becoming means children build and shape their identity through evolving experiences and relationships. Educators should promote children's agency to allow them to learn about the impact of their personal beliefs and values, shaping their experience of becoming.

EYLF Outcome 1 is made up of 4 key indicators:

  • Children feel safe, secure and supported

  • Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and agency

  • Children develop knowledgeable, confident self-identities and a positive sense of self-worth

  • Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect

The 4 Key Indicators of EYLF Outcome 1

Educators should use these key indicators to provide evidence for a child's learning in relation to EYLF Outcome 1, and promote this learning through examples of practice outline in each indicator.

Children feel safe, secure and supported

Children feel safe, secure and supported

Evidence of children feeling safe, secure and supported:

  • Building secure attachments with one (and then other) familiar educators

  • Participating in familiar routines and rituals to make smooth transitions

  • Sensing and responding to a feeling of belonging

  • Sharing ideas and information about their culture and cultural artefacts

  • Seeking and connecting with adults they trust to share their accomplishments and communicate their needs for comfort and assistance

  • Establishing and maintaining respectful, trusting relationships with other children and educators

  • Openly expressing their feelings and ideas in their interactions with others

  • Responding to ideas and suggestions from others

  • Initiating interactions and conversations with trusted educators

  • Confidently exploring and engaging with social and physical environments through relationships and play

  • Initiating and joining in play

  • Exploring aspects of identity through role play

  • The use of home languages

  • Accessing resources that support cultural diversity, family structures and gender identities

  • Describing things that make them unique

  • Telling stories about their family and culture

Examples of educators promoting this through their practice:

  • Acknowledging and responding sensitively to children’s cues, signals and home languages

  • Valuing and responding sensitively to children’s attempts to initiate interactions and conversations

  • Supporting children’s sense of security through consistent and warm nurturing relationships

  • Giving children their full attention, showing interest, understanding and attunement

  • Designing and using routines and rituals to support smooth and effective transitions

  • Ensuring daily schedules, including individualised arrival, departure or sleep rituals that support children’s sense of security

  • Being attuned to children’s natural daily rhythms to support being and belonging

  • Learning key words in children’s home languages and using them when greeting and talking with children

  • Ensuring continuity to bridge the gap between the familiar and the unfamiliar, e.g. feeding and sleeping routines

  • Building upon culturally valued child rearing practices and approaches to learning

  • Providing a culturally safe place where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and children from culturally diverse backgrounds can share their stories about history and culture

  • Being emotionally available, listen carefully and support children’s expression of their thoughts and feelings

  • Recognising children’s feelings of distress, fear or discomfort and understand that these feelings may take some time to resolve

  • Acknowledging each child’s uniqueness in positive ways

  • Providing opportunities to invite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander educators to provide feedback and reflections on assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to feel safe, secure and supported

  • Interacting and conversing with each child to establish mutual trust and respect between the families that attend the early childhood setting

  • Displaying both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags at the setting and discuss their importance for all Australians

  • Developing inclusive learning approaches that acknowledge different ways of knowing, being and doing

  • Enabling children to see their culture in the environment, e.g. Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander art from the local region, cultural events that are significant in the child's life

Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and agency

Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and agency

Evidence of children developing their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and agency:

  • Initiating exploration and independent learning

  • Showing interest and curiosity through observing, listening, selecting and making choices

  • Demonstrating increasing awareness of the needs and rights of others

  • Being open to new challenges and discoveries

  • Increasingly cooperating and working collaboratively with others

  • Taking considered risk in their decision-making and coping with the unexpected

  • Recognising their individual achievements and the achievements of others

  • Demonstrating an increasing capacity for self-regulation and self-soothing

  • Approaching new safe situations with interest and confidence

  • Initiating negotiation and sharing behaviours

  • Persisting and persevering in self-chosen tasks, including when faced with challenges and when first attempts are not successful

  • Cooperating and participating in routines and rituals

  • Showing initiative by seeking information and asking questions

  • Learning how to stand up for themselves in appropriate ways

Examples of educators promoting this through their practice:

  • Providing children with strategies to make informed choices about their actions, interactions and behaviours

  • Promoting children’s sense of belonging, connectedness and wellbeing

  • Maintaining high expectations of each child’s capabilities

  • Sharing stories with families including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse families about their child’s learning success

  • Mediating and assisting children to negotiate their rights in relation to the rights of others

  • Providing opportunities for children to engage independently with tasks and play

  • Displaying delight, encouragement and enthusiasm for children’s attempts

  • Supporting children’s efforts, assisting and encouraging as appropriate

  • Motivating and encouraging children to succeed when they are faced with challenges

  • Sharing stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have shown agency and resilience

  • Providing time and space for children to engage in both individual and collaborative pursuits

  • Building on the culturally valued learning of individual children’s communities

  • Sharing stories that reflect children's cultural and family diversity

  • Encouraging children to make choices and decisions

Children develop knowledgeable confident self-identities, and a positive sense of self-worth

Children develop knowledgeable confident self-identities, and a positive sense of self-worth

Evidence of children developing knowledgeable confident self-identities, and a positive sense of self-worth:

  • Expressing and sharing pleasure and pride in their own efforts, achievements and accomplishments through language, gestures, facial expressions and/or movements

  • Feeling recognised and respected for who they are

  • Exploring different identities, roles and points of view in pretend play

  • Developing strong foundations in both the culture and language/s of their family and of the broader community without compromising their cultural identities

  • Reaching out and communicating with trusted educators and familiar children for comfort, assistance and companionship

  • Celebrating and sharing their contributions and achievements with others

  • Showing curiosity and growing confidence in their identity as a learner

  • Sharing information about their family, culture, home languages and aspects that make them unique

  • Engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders and community members to explore their own and others social and cultural heritage

  • Taking calculated risks in play and learning and begin to cope with the unexpected

  • Displaying a positive image of themselves, families, culture and community

  • Acknowledging, sharing and celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditions, customs and celebrations

  • Sharing their stories about their Country and community

  • Feeling comfortable to use their home language to construct meaning

  • Feeling accepted and affirm their group membership

  • Sharing with others how they have learned to use digital technologies

  • Feeling safe to participate in all activities regardless of gender, age, culture or ability

  • Sharing spaces and resources safely and equitably regardless of gender, age, culture or ability

Examples of educators promoting this through their practice:

  • Acknowledging and joining in with children’s expressions of pleasure and pride in their efforts and accomplishments

  • Promoting, in all children, a strong sense of who they are and their connectedness to others – and a shared identity as Australians

  • Ensuring all children experience pride and confidence in their achievements

  • Describing and share children’s successes with families

  • Showing respect for, and celebrating, diversity, acknowledging the varying approaches of children, families, communities and cultures

  • Acknowledging and understanding that children construct meaning in many different ways

  • Demonstrating deep understanding of each child, their family and community contexts in planning for children’s learning, development and wellbeing

  • Provide children with diverse examples of the many ways identities and culture are recognised and expressed

  • Building upon culturally and linguistically valued approaches to learning

  • Building on the funds of knowledge, languages and understandings that children bring

  • Talking with children in respectful ways about similarities and differences in people

  • Providing rich and diverse resources that reflect children’s social and cultural worlds

  • Listening to and learn about children’s understandings of themselves

  • Actively supporting the maintenance of home language and culture

  • Developing children’s authentic understanding of themselves

  • Providing books and other resources that depict diverse gender roles and identities respectfully

  • Supporting sharing of spaces and resources safely and equitably

  • Acknowledging each child’s family, culture and individual uniqueness in positive ways

  • Supporting all children to access science and technology experiences safely regardless of gender, age, culture or ability

  • Recognising disability as a form of diversity and demonstrating inclusive approaches in their

  • interactions with children

  • Implementing approaches to support gifted and talented children

  • Providing inclusive indoor and outdoor environments that incorporate reasonable adjustments where there are barriers to participation

  • Having opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander relationships and connections to Country and family including kinships systems

  • Supporting children to identify and assess risks in play and learning and to cope with the unexpected.

Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect

Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect

Evidence of children learning to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect:

  • Showing interest in other children and their play

  • Approaching and initiating interactions with other children in order to form or be part of a group

  • Engaging in and contributing to shared play experiences

  • Expressing a wide range of emotions, thoughts and views constructively

  • Helping and offering care to other children

  • Recognising and naming a range of feelings in themselves and others

  • Empathising with and expressing concern for others

  • Appreciating the need to take turns and wait so that others can have their turn

  • Co-using and collaborating with others when using digital technologies

  • Displaying awareness of and respect for others’ perspectives

  • Displaying awareness of and respect for children’s diverse worlds, e.g. culture, family structure, capabilities and strengths

  • Reflecting on their actions and considering consequences for others

  • Naming and challenging unfair acts, and discrimination on behalf of themselves and others

  • Listening to others’ opinions or points of view

  • Recognising safe and unsafe situations

  • Identifying trusted adults and friends

  • Seeking help from trusted adults when needed

  • Expressing their views

  • Raising concerns or requests

  • Participating in discussions and decision-making

Evidence of educators promoting this in their practice:

  • Initiating one-to-one interactions with children, particularly with very young children, during daily routines

  • Paying attention to, appreciating and acknowledging children’s independent efforts to approach and initiating interactions with other children

  • Organising learning environments in ways that promote small group interactions and play experiences

  • Facilitating sharing of equipment and turn-taking, being mindful of children’s differing capacities to wait

  • Modelling care, empathy and respect for children, colleagues and families

  • Providing a culturally safe and secure environment for all

  • Providing secure and predictable environments, relationships and engagement in learning to support children affected by trauma

  • Building awareness of different emotions by modelling and naming feelings

  • Supporting children to learn about and recognise safe and unsafe situations

  • Modelling how to respond appropriately to unfairness, challenge stereotypes and discrimination in respectful ways

  • Explaining and providing self-regulation strategies using books and pictures of emotional states

  • Modelling explicit communication strategies to support children to initiate interactions and join in play and social experiences in ways that sustain productive relationships with other children

  • Acknowledging children’s complex relationships and sensitively intervene in ways that promote consideration of alternative perspectives and social inclusion

  • Providing opportunities for all children to develop knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture in the context of their community

  • Using a range of teaching strategies and multicultural resources to acknowledge and show respect for differences, e.g. multicultural dolls, books and artefacts

  • Facilitating child-friendly ways for children to express their views and raise their concerns

  • Enabling children to participate in decision-making that affects them

What Next?

Using these examples in accordance with EYLF principles and practices ensures that educators are assisting children in achieving EYLF Outcome 1.

But it's also important to show evidence. So here's 2 ways to help your team when it comes to educating children:

  1. Use a tool that helps saved educators 4hrs per week on documentation - Book Your FREE Demo Today!

  2. Download the EYLF Outcome 1 Sheet below, so you always have this on-hand ⬇️

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