Queensland Kindy Funding allows families to receive 15 hours of FREE kindergarten per week, per child.
Several states have a similar initiative, including NSW with Start Strong Funding.
The purpose of this funding is to:
improve educational outcomes for children;
increase participation and attendance of all kindergarten age children in Queensland;
target funding to children who need it most;
improve inclusiveness of services;
improve affordability by removing gap fees for families; and
help children reach their full potential when they are at kindergarten
To receive this funding, both services and children must be eligible.
Let's go through the eligibility criteria, types of funding available, how funding is administered, and the reporting requirements for the service.

QLD Kindy Funding Eligibility
There are 2 types of eligibility for QLD Kindy Funding - Service Eligibility and Child Eligibility. This means most the child and the service need to meet certain criteria to receive funding.
Service Eligibility
There are 2 kind of services that can apply kindy funding - sessional kindergartens and long daycare services. They must meet some requirements to be eligible. They are:
Be a member of a Central Governing Body (CGB) - sessional kindergarten only.
Operate a service that is approved under the Education and Care Services National Law or the Education and Care Services Act 2013.
Have a rating of Working Towards National Quality Standard (NQS) or higher. Services yet to be assessed are still eligible for funding.
Deliver an Approved Kindergarten Program using the Queensland kindergarten learning guideline (QKLG) or an alternative kindergarten learning guideline accredited by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA).
Offer and provide all Eligible Children in the Approved Kindergarten Program an annual provision of at least 600 hours, made up of at least 15 hours per week or 30 hours per fortnight for 40 weeks, consistent with the requirements the Service Agreement between the Approved Provider and the Department.
Employ a qualified Early Childhood Teacher (ECT) to deliver the Approved Kindergarten Program.
Ensure that the fee charged for Eligible Children participating in an Approved Kindergarten Program is not more than the fee charged for any other age group at the service, and below the Department’s Funding Threshold.
If services have met the requirements, they can apply to become a Kindergarten Program Provider (KPP) through QGrants. This allows the provider to opt into free kindy for that service.
Services must maintain their eligibility to remain an approved KPP service. This includes:
Remaining Working Towards NQS or higher
Displaying program information, including their KPP certificate and 'kindy tick' identifier
Having a comprehensive written fees policy
Limiting fee increases (sessional kindergartens - not during calendar year without CGB approval, LDC - once per year after 1 July)
Developing and uploading transition statements to QCAA.
Having a 12-mth forward facing funding schedule in QGrants (LDC) or complying with the Affiliate Agreement with their CGB (Sessional Kindergarten).
Maintaining KPP status without an ECT (i.e. providing evidence of actively recruiting an ECT & submitting a nil claim.
Child Eligibility
Eligible children must be 4yrs old by 30 June in the year that they participate in an approved kindergarten program, and enrolled 600hrs/yr (or 15hrs/wk for 40wks). This is based on enrolment, not attendance.
Proof of date of birth is required prior to enrolments (e.g. birth certificate, statutory declaration, passport or other govt issued document), and the child should be enrolled under the same name in the document. In the case where no document can be obtained, documentation citing the child's name can be provided by a community elder or Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander staff member from an established organisation who is known to the child.
A 2nd year of funding can be claimed if it determined the child is not ready for school. This is called a delayed exit, and is a decision between the family and service. Services must keep records of their decision-making on this.

QLD Kindy Funding Types
There are several types of funding services can receive to provide Free Kindy to eligible children.
It differs slightly for sessional kindergartens and long day care services.
QLD Kindy Funding for Sessional Kindergarten
Subsidy | Spending Rules | Financial Obligations |
Base Subsidy and Free Kindy | Inclusions Operational costs directly related to the delivery of the Approved Kindergarten Program for Eligible Children. Offset Out-of-Pocket Costs for families for the Approved Kindergarten Program for 15 hours per week, 40 weeks per year or 30 hours per fortnight. Capital expenditure/improvements. Renovations, maintenance, and utilities (e.g. rates, water and electricity). Quality and age-appropriate resources specifically for Eligible Children. Examples include: - art and craft materials - books, puzzles and board games - blocks and construction sets mobile play equipment (e.g. trestles, planks and ladders) - natural learning materials - sports equipment - herb/vegetable garden and utensils - home corner and dress-ups - cooking experiences - cultural resources - electronic devices for the kindergarten group only. Planned incursions, excursions and extracurricular kindergarten activities, provided all Eligible Children undertake the activity, the ECT is present and participating, and the ECT includes the activity as part of their curriculum, with no cost to families. Wages for ECTs, including any improved entitlements such as: - additional pay on top of their award wage and on-costs (e.g. superannuation) lump sum bonus paid directly to the ECT - additional paid annual leave and on-costs - payment of additional programming hours or noncontact times for the ECT (in addition to award - entitlements for the ECT such as lunch break or programming time) and on-costs - professional development (delivered by an accredited training organisation that does not have the same ABN as the service) for the ECT specifically to assist them in delivering an Approved Kindergarten Program - learning resources for the ECT to enhance the delivery of an Approved Kindergarten Program. Exclusions Service software programs and memberships. Celebrations including, catering, travel, venue hire and entertainment. | Each CGB or Sessional Kindergarten must be able to demonstrate to the Department: - how the Funding was spent by each Sessional Kindergarten for which the Funding was granted - that the Funding was used for the relevant kindergarten cohort enrolled in the year for which the Funding was claimed - that the Funding was used to directly enhance the Approved Kindergarten Program for which the Funding was granted - that Funding was not used to subsidise the delivery of other programs (e.g. kindergarten programs for non-Eligible Children). Each CGB and Sessional Kindergarten must identify the amount of Queensland Government Free Kindy Subsidy applied to each family's fee statement. Where this is not possible, the family fee statement must include the 'kindy tick' and Free Kindy logo to demonstrate to the family that they have received Free Kindy. Each CGB or Sessional Kindergarten must retain and provide on request evidence to demonstrate compliance with the use of the Funding. This evidence may include: - enrolment policies and procedures, supported by enrolment forms - fee structure for the service/s - family fee statements - financial reports, supported by receipts, invoices and bank account statements - payslips/employment contracts - staff rosters. |
Inclusion Ready Subsidy | Inclusions Reduction of immediate local barriers affecting participation and attendance in an Approved Kindergarten Program. Ensuring Eligible Children with diverse or additional needs are provided with adjustments that are supplementary to the strategies and resources already available. Engaging in professional development to ensure ECTs are ready to support all Eligible Children and families to feel welcome, engaged and culturally safe. Support the transition into an Approved Kindergarten Program or Prep for Eligible Children with diverse or additional needs. The Subsidy may be used for: - additional educators (e.g. time release/backfill for teaching team to connect with external organisations), including on-costs (e.g. superannuation) - programs (e.g. Breakfast Club) - resources (e.g. hats and bags for all kindergarten children, bus service for kindergarten children to access and participate in the Approved Kindergarten Program) - equipment - educational materials - professional development or specialist training - visiting partners or specialists (e.g. centre visits by allied health specialists or parent and child workshops) - visiting cultural advisors - visiting Elders - visiting interpreters or translators - removal of any barriers to participation for Eligible Children experiencing vulnerability.* Expenditure of Inclusion Ready should be additional to the strategies and resources already available. *this should be undertaken in consultation with families Exclusions Costs not directly related to the delivery of the Approved Kindergarten Program for Eligible Children. General operational costs of the Sessional Kindergarten | Each CGB or Sessional Kindergarten must be able to demonstrate to the Department how the Inclusion Ready Subsidy or KISS was spent by each service for which the Funding was granted. Each CGB or Sessional Kindergarten must retain and provide, on request, evidence to demonstrate compliance with the Inclusion Ready Subsidy or KISS. This evidence may include, but is not limited to: - enrolment policies and procedures, supported by enrolment forms - financial reports, supported by receipts, invoices and bank account statements. |
KISS | Funding is designed to support educators to make reasonable adjustments for children with disability or suspected disability. Funding is designed specifically to provide equitable access to resources and opportunities for children with a disability or suspected (imputed) disability to meaningfully participate in the Approved Kindergarten Program. Services apply for specific Funding based on the required adjustment to enable the Eligible Child to access and participate alongside their similar-aged peers. When CGBs are assessing applications, they need to consider the service holistically, with consideration to the Inclusion Ready Subsidy, Kindy Uplift Funding, support available through KISS and other KISS applications. Expenditure should be additional to the strategies and resources already available. | |
Service Location Subsidy | Inclusions The ECT subsidy must only be used to attract and retain qualified ECTs, including: - assisting the ECT with relocation costs - subsidising rent for the ECT - paying above award wages and on-costs (e.g. superannuation) - paying a bonus in addition to their wages - providing additional paid annual leave and on-costs - subsidising flights to and from the community to the ECT’s home base - subsidising Visa sponsorship costs - accessing professional development (delivered by an accredited training organisation that does not have the same ABN as the service) for the ECT specifically to assist them in delivering an Approved Kindergarten Program - purchasing learning resources for the ECT to enhance their delivery of an Approved Kindergarten Program. The Financial Viability Subsidy may only be used to offset the operational costs for delivery of the Approved Kindergarten Program at an eligible service. If the service wishes to use either of the Subsidies for any purpose other than the intent of each Subsidy, they must obtain approval from their CGB and the Department. Exclusions ECT award wages, including increases from multi-bargaining enterprise agreements. | The CGB or Sessional Kindergarten must be able to demonstrate to the Department how the Service Location Subsidy has been spent for the purpose of attracting and retaining a qualified ECT. Each CGB or Sessional Kindergarten must retain and provide, on request, evidence to demonstrate the above. This evidence may include: - ECT payslips/employment contract - correspondence relating to negotiation of the ECT wage - financial reports, supported by receipts, invoices and bank account statements - evidence of administering and monitoring Financial Viability Subsidy - annual Service Location - Early Childhood Teachers plans. |
Kindy Uplift | Inclusions Spent funds must be consistent with the identified priority areas and Kindy Uplift Plan that has been submitted and accepted by the Department, including: - necessary backfilling and out-of-hours wage renumeration to support the successful delivery of Kindy Uplift activities - engaging professionals to provide capability development and support in identified aspects within the Kindy Uplift Plan for kindergarten-age learning and development - paying wages and employing Specialist Staff to support ECTs and educators in responding to educational needs of the cohort (e.g. bicultural support workers, family support workers, cultural advisors, Elders in residence and early childhood experts/coaches) - engaging with community partners and other supports to strengthen inclusive practice capability - purchasing resources related to capability development where appropriately identified in the Kindy Uplift Plan - attending conferences with content that aligns with the Kindy Uplift priority areas and correlates with complementary expenditure in the Kindy Uplift Plan in the same priority area. Services need to demonstrate what additional work extending on the conference will be undertaken to embed practice change. If applicable, Sessional Kindergartens should utilise already funded initiatives and resources provided by the Department, such as the Kindergarten Inclusion Service and the Early Childhood Guidance Program Pilot. Kindy Uplift Funding can be used to complement and build on these where appropriately identified in the Kindy Uplift Plan. Exclusions Any costs not directly related to the delivery of the accepted Kindy Uplift Plan. Materials and resources that are not aligned to Kindy Uplift initiatives and activities. School readiness programs, checklists, screening, assessments or individualised child therapy. Individualised child-specific programs or bicultural support. 'Stand-alone' IT applications or tools targeted at individual use by children. Use of Kindy Uplift Funds to support normal operational costs such as: - staffing required for normal operation obligations under the National Law - compliance, management or financial related expenses - expenses related to Assessment and Rating process - prescribed/mandated training - supplementary teachers and educators for daily planning | The Kindy Uplift Plan submitted to the Department by 28 February in each kindergarten program year will outline how the service plans to allocate Kindy Uplift Funding. On acceptance of the plan, each Sessional Kindergarten will need to report on the progress of the Kindy Uplift Plan in June (Report 1) and November (Report 2) in each kindergarten program year. Each CGB or Sessional Kindergarten must be able to demonstrate to the Department how Kindy Uplift Funds were spent by each service provider for which the Funding was granted. Each CGB or Sessional Kindergarten must retain and provide, on request, evidence to demonstrate compliance with the Kindy Uplift Funding. This evidence may include: - financial reports, supported by receipts, invoices and bank account statements - an approved Kindy Uplift Plan. Each CGB must acquit this Funding at the end of each calendar year. This acquittal must be submitted through QGrants on or before 28 January of the following calendar year. |
QLD Kindy Funding For Long Day Care
Subsidy | Spending Rules | Financial Obligations |
Base Subsidy (min. 80%) | Inclusions Improved entitlements for the ECT and up to 2 diploma or higher qualified educators delivering the Approved Kindergarten Program, including: - additional pay on top of their award wage and oncosts (e.g. superannuation) - lump sum bonus paid directly to the ECT and diploma or higher qualified educator/s - additional paid annual leave and on-costs paid on additional leave and leave loading - payment of additional programming hours or noncontact times for the ECT (in addition to award entitlements for the ECT such as lunch break or programming time) and on-costs - professional development (delivered by an accredited training organisation that does not have the same ABN as the service) for the ECT and diploma or higher qualified educator/s specifically to assist them in delivering an Approved Kindergarten Program - learning resources for the ECT and diploma or higher qualified educator/s to enhance the delivery of an Approved Kindergarten Program. The distribution of the Base Subsidy across services where an Approved Provider has more than 10 services and the Approved Provider has entered into a Service Agreement with the Department applies to Funds under this arrangement. Exclusions Award wages for the ECT and diploma or higher qualified educators. Other educator or support staff wages. Any resources or materials accessed by children. Childcare management company fees. Storage and storage containers. Celebrations, including catering, travel, venue hire and entertainment. Distribution of the Base Subsidy across services, which is not permitted unless the Approved Provider has a specific Service Agreement with the Department permitting this arrangement. | Each Approved Provider or Long Day Care Service must be able to demonstrate to the Department: - how the Base Subsidy was spent by each Long Day Care Service for which the Funding was granted - that the Base Subsidy was used for the relevant kindergarten cohort enrolled in the year for which the Funding was claimed - that the Base Subsidy was used to directly enhance the Approved Kindergarten Program for which the Funding was granted - that Queensland Kindergarten Funding was not used to subsidise the delivery of other programs (e.g. kindergarten programs for non-Eligible Children). Each Approved Provider or Long Day Care Service must retain and provide, on request, evidence to demonstrate compliance with the use of the Base Subsidy. This evidence may include: - enrolment policies and procedures, supported by enrolment forms - financial reports, supported by receipts, invoices and bank account statements - payslips/employment contracts - staff rosters. |
Base Subsidy (max. 20%) | Inclusions Quality and age-appropriate resources specifically for Eligible Children. Examples include: - art and craft materials - books, puzzles and board games - blocks and construction sets - mobile play equipment (e.g. trestles, planks and ladders) - natural learning materials - sports equipment - herb/vegetable garden and utensils - home corner and dress-ups - cooking experiences - cultural resources - electronic devices for the kindergarten group only. Extracurricular kindergarten activities, provided all Eligible Children undertake the activity, the ECT is present and participating, and the ECT includes the activity as part of their curriculum, with no cost to families. Removal of any barriers to participation for Eligible Children experiencing vulnerability.* Services cannot distribute or pool the 20% component of the Base Subsidy across services. Exclusions - renovations, maintenance and utilities (e.g. rates, water and electricity) - childcare management company fees - furniture - storage and storage containers - general food and groceries - cleaning and hygiene products - service software programs and memberships - capital expenditure/improvements - fixed structures (e.g. play forts, swings and slides) - decorations and party hire - celebrations (e.g. graduations, room hire, catering or gifts not related to the learning program) - first aid material and sunscreen - safety items (e.g. softfall or shade sails) - bedding and sheets. | |
Gap Fee Subsidy | Inclusions The kindergarten program component of the day is free and is the Out-of-Pocket Cost that families would normally pay after CCS. The Gap Fee Subsidy also covers the Australian Government’s withholding rate of 5%. Planned incursions and excursions should be part of the educational program and built into the fee structure for the service. Exclusions Wraparound hours that fall outside of when the ECT is delivering the Approved Kindergarten Program. Application and enrolment fees, if required, which should be minimal and will be payable by the family. | Each Approved Provider or Long Day Care Service must be able to demonstrate to the Department: - how the Gap Fee Subsidy was allocated to each Eligible Child - that the Gap Fee Subsidy was not used to subsidise non-Eligible Children. Each Approved Provider or Long Day Care Service must identify the Gap Fee Subsidy paid by the Queensland Government on each family's fee statement. Where this is not possible, the family fee statement must include the 'kindy tick' and Free Kindy logo to demonstrate to the family that they have received Free Kindy. Each Approved Provider must retain and provide, on request, evidence to demonstrate compliance with the Gap Fee Subsidy. This evidence may include: - enrolment policy and procedures, supported by enrolment forms - fee structure for the service - family fee statements - detailed cost centre reports - financial reports, supported by receipts, invoices and bank account statements. |
Inclusion Ready Subsidy | Inclusions Reduction of immediate local barriers affecting participation and attendance in an Approved Kindergarten Program. Ensuring Eligible Children with diverse or additional needs are provided with adjustments that are supplementary to the strategies and resources already available. ECTs engaging in professional development to ensure they are ready to support all Eligible Children and families to feel welcome, engaged and culturally safe. Supporting the transition into an Approved Kindergarten Program or Prep for Eligible Children with diverse or additional needs. The Subsidy may be used for: - diploma-qualified educators (e.g. time release/ backfill for teaching team to connect with external organisations) - programs (e.g. Breakfast Club) - resources (e.g. hats and bags for all kindergarten children, bus service for kindergarten children to access and participate in the Approved Kindergarten Program) - equipment - educational materials - professional development or specialist training - visiting partners or specialists (e.g. centre visits by allied health specialists or parent and child workshops) - visiting cultural advisors - visiting Elders - visiting interpreters or translators. Expenditure of the Inclusion Ready Subsidy should be additional to the strategies and resources already available. Removal of any barriers for an Eligible Child's participation in the Approved Kindergarten Program, including any additional cost incurred by the child’s family where the child or family is experiencing vulnerability.* Exclusions Costs not directly related to the delivery of the Approved Kindergarten Program for Eligible Children. General operational costs of the Long Day Care Service. Childcare management company fees. | Each Approved Provider or Long Day Care Service must be able to demonstrate to the Department how the Inclusion Ready Subsidy was spent by each service for which the Funding was granted. Each Approved Provider or Long Day Care Service must retain and provide, on request, evidence to demonstrate compliance with the Inclusion Ready Subsidy. This evidence may include, but is not limited to: - enrolment policies and procedures, supported by enrolment forms - financial reports, supported by receipts, invoices and bank account statements. |
Service Location Subsidy | Inclusions The Subsidy must only be used to attract and retain qualified ECTs, including: - assisting the ECT with relocation costs - subsidising rent for the ECT - paying above award wages and on-costs (e.g. superannuation) - paying a bonus in addition to their wages - providing additional paid annual leave and on-costs - subsidising flights to and from the community to the ECT's home base - subsidising Visa sponsorship costs - accessing professional development (delivered by an accredited training organisation that does not have the same ABN as the service) for the ECT, specifically to assist them in delivering an Approved Kindergarten Program - purchasing learning resources for the ECT to enhance their delivery of an Approved Kindergarten Program. Exclusions ECT award wages. Childcare management company fees. | Each Approved Provider or Long Day Care Service must be able to demonstrate to the Department how the Service Location Subsidy has been spent by services for the purpose of attracting and retaining a qualified ECT. Each Approved Provider or Long Day Care Service must retain and provide, on request, evidence to demonstrate the above. This evidence may include: - ECT payslips/employment contract - correspondence relating to negotiation of the ECT wage - financial reports supported by receipts, invoices and bank account statements - evidence of administering and monitoring financial viability component for Long Day Care Services - annual Service Location - Early Childhood Teachers plans |
Kindy Uplift | Inclusions Spent funds must be consistent with the identified priority areas and the Kindy Uplift Plan that has been submitted and accepted by the Department, including: - Necessary backfilling and out-of-hours wage renumeration to support the successful delivery of Kindy Uplift activities. - Engaging professionals to provide capability development and support in identified aspects within the Kindy Uplift Plan for kindergarten-age learning and development. - Paying wages and employ Specialist Staff to support ECTs and educators respond to educational needs of the cohort (e.g., bicultural support workers, family support workers, cultural advisors, Elders in residence and early childhood experts/ coaches). - Engaging with community partners and other supports to strengthen inclusive practice capability - Purchasing resources related to capability development where appropriately identified in the Kindy Uplift Plan. - Attending conferences with content that aligns with the Kindy Uplift priority areas and correlates with complementary expenditure in the Kindy Uplift Plan in the same priority area. Services need to demonstrate what additional work extending on the conference will be undertaken to embed practice change. If applicable, Long Day Care Services should utilise already funded initiatives and resources provided by the Department, such as the Kindergarten Inclusion Service and the Early Childhood Guidance Program Pilot. Kindy Uplift Funding can be used to complement and build on these where appropriately identified in the Kindy Uplift Plan. Exclusions Any costs not directly related to the delivery of the accepted Kindy Uplift Plan. Materials and resources that are not aligned to Kindy Uplift initiatives and activities. School readiness programs, checklists, screening, assessments or individualised child therapy. Individualised child-specific programs or bicultural support. 'Stand-alone' IT applications or tools targeted at individual use by children. Use of Kindy Uplift Funds to support normal operational costs such as: - staffing required for normal operation obligations under the National Law - compliance, management or financial related expenses - payment of childcare management company fees - expenses related to Assessment and Rating Process - prescribed/mandated training - supplementary teachers and educators for daily planning | The Kindy Uplift Plan submitted to the Department by 28 February of each kindergarten program year will outline how the service plans to allocate Kindy Uplift Funding. On acceptance of the plan, each service will need to report on the progress of the Kindy Uplift Plan in June (Report 1) and November (Report 2) of each kindergarten program year. Each Approved Provider or Long Day Care Service must be able to demonstrate to the Department how Kindy Uplift Funding was spent by the service provider for the purpose for which the Funding was granted. Each Approved Provider or Long Day Care Service must retain and provide, on request, evidence to demonstrate compliance with the Kindy Uplift Funding. This evidence may include: - financial reports, supported by receipts, invoices and bank account statements - an approved Kindy Uplift Plan. Each Approved Provider must acquit this Funding at the end of each calendar year. This acquittal must be submitted through QGrants on or before 28 January of the following calendar year. |

QLD Kindy Funding Delivery
To facilitate claims, there is a forecast process and an acquittal process - which happens each semester.
The claiming calendar shows when services forecast and acquit.
Again, there is a slight difference in how sessional kindergartens and long daycare services.
Sessional Kindergartens are funded through an affiliate agreement with their CGB. CGBs receive payments from the department in 2 block grants over a calendar year. Long daycare services receive all funding (excl. base subsidy) at the beginning of the quarter, and base subsidy is paid in arrears after acquittal.